mardi 5 mai 2009

French expressions

Once again, here are some expressions in French that I (or my twin) used recently :

1- promettre monts et merveilles : it means that you promise a lot of things and usually, it turns out to be nothing.
"Il lui a promis monts et merveilles alors elle s'est enfuie avec lui. Elle est revenue hier à la maison, sans le sou et enceinte."

2- en faire tout un plat : to exagerate little matters.
"Elle t'a engueulé mais il ne faut pas en faire tout un plat, j'en ai marre de t'entendre t'en plaindre."

3- donner sa langue au chat : not able to guess, so you ask the answer by saying that.
"Je donne ma langue au chat... Qui a tué le général?"

4- Je le jure sur la tête de ma mère : when you want to persuade someone that you're telling the truth
"Je le jure sur la tête de ma mère, ce n'est pas moi qui ai pris ton livre."

5- avoir les boules : to be scared, or to be angry
"J'ai les boules, allumes la lumière" "J'ai vraiment les boules, ce type est un crétin !"

6- J'y mettrais ma main à couper : you're certain of what you just stated.
" La réponse, c'est 6 ! J'y mettrais ma main à couper !"

7- La croix et la bannière : it's hard, it's complicated
Note : in the 15th century, religious parades often accompanied important people. At the head of the parade there were people who were carrying a cross (representing the church) and others who were carrying banners (representing the friary). Those demonstrations required a lot of preparations and rigor. This is why we say "c'est la croix et la bannière" to talk about a situation that requires to be meticulous.

That's all for today !

